Prof. Dr. Guido Grosse (Alfred Wegener Institute)
I am the head of the Permafrost Research Section at AWI and professor for Permafrost in the Earth System at the University of Potsdam since 2016. Since 2021, I am also Deputy Head of the AWI Geosciences Division. I have a background in Geology and have been conducting permafrost research in the Arctic since 1999. After finishing my PhD at University of Potsdam and AWI in 2005, I conducted postdoc work at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and became research faculty there with a focus on remote sensing of landscape dynamics, hydrology, and carbon cycling in Arctic permafrost regions. I returned to Germany with an ERC Starting Grant in 2013.
While my large team in the AWI Permafrost Research Section works on many different aspects of Arctic permafrost characteristics and dynamics, I focus on remote sensing observations of permafrost landscape dynamics across broad spatial and temporal scales. I have a strong interest in quantifying climate change impacts in high-latitude terrestrial environments and their complex feedbacks. I strive to support the next generation of permafrost and remote sensing researchers, and I am involved in multiple international permafrost-related networks and research projects, some of which are using Machine Learning methods to better understand rapid changes in the Arctic.